"The greatest skill of all is to enjoy without attachment to the cause of your joy." -Vadim Zeland Reality Transurfing
I love the Astros! My current photo on my website is from the World Series Parade in 2017, the year in which we won the world series. The only time in history thus far (2019).

The day of the parade my face hurt so much from smiling! It was a happy day in Houston, Texas and every where you went that day people were happy. You see that year we had Hurricane Harvey and our city was devastated by the flooding. (I will be writing a vibration post on this as well.) The victory in the World Series that year was like a major come back for our city. And this parade was like the icing on the cake.
I grew up watching sports with my brothers and my dad. My dad has a PhD in Math. My math skills lack a bit, lol! I guess it skipped a generation. But to hang out with my dad I learned to watch sports and to fish. Baseball is my favorite sport. I understand the game very well. Much to my delight my oldest son played the game and was quite the talented athlete. Today he works in the sports industry and if you want to know anything about what is going on in the sporting world just call him. He knows the answer!
I think the thing I love best about watching the Houston Astros is their love for the game. The players play the game with heart and soul, like little kids. It is such a joy to watch them play.
Reality Transurfing has taught me the skill which is to enjoy the game without getting attached to the outcome. I do not give excess importance to the team so I am not giving my energy over to the pendulum.
Is the Astros winning a game or many games important to me? No.
But also, am I indifferent to them? Answer is also no.
As Vadim states in the book: "Too much outer importance breeds fanatics. Too much inner importance breeds idiots."
I prefer to watch without attachment. Gifts of Detachment.
The pendulum is the Houston Astros. As Vadim states it is a "skill" to enjoy. The skill he speaks of is about finding awareness of the pendulums and how they might affect you.
A pendulum is defined in the book as "an energetic thought structure that appears when a group of people think in the same way (for example Houston Astros fans). When this happens the thought energy unites into a single current. Eventually the thought structure begins to live its own life and subjucate to its laws the very people who created it. The more people adherents that feed it with their energy, the more powerfully it sways."
There are pendulums everywhere. You cannot escape them. Pendulums are such things as political parties, workplaces, schools, stars, TV shows, and the list in infinite. Pendulums do not care about you and want only your energy which contributes to the power of the pendulum because you are hooked.

One way to keep them from hooking you is to reduce importance, both inner and outer as stated above. When you do this you can enjoy what you are doing because you are not attached. Ah ha! Another gift of detachment.
What teams do you like to watch? Where do you reduce inner and outer importance so as to not let the pendulum destruct you? It is not an easy game. And no one escapes this life without pendulums.
There are many ways to keep the pendulum from hooking you and I will be writing about those in future posts.
Until next time Much Love, Kathie