why work with kathie
You are not alone because you are connected with the one the source and all of life is part of it its not true that you are alone it's your ego telling you so but you are not your ego that part always feels lonely, sad and unhappy the solution here is you have to Let Go. Don't try to change how you feel instead feel the loneliness dive deep into it then start to play a slide where you make it ridiculous make it funny and ridiculous and you will laugh it out. What I am trying to communicate is your solution is Acceptance. When you accept whatever the hell happens to you when you Accept it you heal it and MOVE ON.
All friction in your physical reality starts in your mind. YOU are the source of all of your troubles.
No problem is ever outside of your control, EVER. Once you gain a sense of this you can start to practice. In this practice there is a very simple, life changing, practical key known as DROPPING IMPORTANCE.
Managing importance levels is one of the utmost cornerstones of Reality Transurfing and this concept alone has transformed my mind and my reality.
Importance is a product of placing excessive significance onto something in a way that ultimately harms you by creating an energetic imbalance, which invites in balancing forces. In addition, internal or personal importance happens when you overestimate your own virtues or shortcomings. We all have been guilty of placing too much importance on our appearance, what type of car we drive, how much money is in the bank, how we are viewed in our social scenes or by family members, finding the right partner, etc. We not only set ourselves up for constant struggle and disappointment when we create excessive importance but, actually end up working against ourselves too. Remember, our world seeks balance and will create events to show us our error in our elevated importance levels.
Approach everything in life in an emotion-free, calm and certain manner, to the best of your ability. Once you learn to lower importance levels surrounding any challenge or yourself, life becomes easier, simpler, and much more enjoyable, period.
You need not try to battle your emotions, lower your importance levels instead.
So, what do you need to drop importance on today?
Watch the video below for more information. Where did that pipe go?
Watch the video below for more information. My house was stolen from me. Find courage like this!

Hi, Kathie Owen here!! Here are a few things you may or may not know about me.​
1. My nickname is Katillac, in this video, I tell who came up with that nickname.
2. I have been a Certified Fitness Trainer since 2002. My specialty women over 50. Because of my exercise routine I have yet to hit menopause and I am 55 years young. I teach others how to do this too.
3. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from the University of Houston Main Campus. But I really dug deep into psychology, spirituality, and personal development in 2002 when diagnosed with severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Today, my real passion, is helping others overcome.
4. I am an avid reader of personal development books. My absolute favorite is Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland and A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.
5. I also love to listen to positive, personal development podcasts my favorites are Joseph Rodrigeus and Reality Revolution.
6. I am the Fitness and Wellness Director at OCuSOFT. I absolutely love my job. They have a gym for their employees and I run that while the world is somewhat normal. LOL! Currently I am screening employees due to COVID-19. But I love that as well because I get to see everyone I work with, that's my family.
Here are some of my favorite things:
* My two sons Kyle and Kody
*My fun-loving, humorous boyfriend Eddie.
*My two dogs Rusty and Sadie
*Working out in the gym or at home designing workouts for staff and clients
*My job as Corporate Wellness Director at OCuSOFT
*And enjoying a cocktail or two or six with friends. 😎
Kind of a boring life some might say but full of passion to help others and love of life!!
Accomplishment is extremely important to me and I enjoy time at home with friends and family!