Habit is defined as a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. Good habits that are hard to give up are the best ones to get into but sometimes the most difficult.
Your mind is very powerful. You can focus on the negative and create more negativity. Or you can focus on the positive and create more positive in your life. You have the choice. Cultivate a good habit by remaining focused on the positive direction in life. Habits generally take 21-30 days to really stick. Get out a calendar and set up your direction right from the very beginning.
Three steps to cultivate a good habit in your life:
1. Focus. What is the positive outcome for your situation? Focus on that. When it comes to working out I like to focus on how good I am going to feel and how my body is going to generate great health by doing the workout I designed for myself.
2. Control your mind. Your mind likes to play tricks on you. That is the ego. Once you realize this you are able to cultivate discipline. You are in control, not the ego. Realize the benefits of developing a good habit. You are not giving the ego what it wants. But you are doing what is best for you. You do this by controlling your mind.
3. Enjoy the benefits. Remind yourself of the benefit of building a positive habit. This can be done by writing down your goals. It takes work to attain those goals. It takes focus and control. I recently wrote a template taken from my business development group that you can fill out weekly to maybe help you and others create a positive habit in your life.
Click Here to Take Yours Now: Template for Weekly Check-ins
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How do you cultivate a positive habit and enjoy the rewards? Share with us.
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