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What Is Your Vibration? Regarding Food

Writer's picture: Kathie OwenKathie Owen

Updated: Oct 4, 2019

Food, change the way you think about it. Kathie's Coaching

I was listening to Abraham in the gym this morning. Someone asked about food or drinking alcohol. Abraham replied, "Get into a good vibration and the twinkie won't matter."

This reminded me of a story I read in Zero Limits. Zero Limits is a book by Dr. Joe Vitale. You can find out more about the book by visiting Zero Limits website.

(please note that Ho'oponopono is NOT a religion, it is a practice of taking responsibility)

Dr. Hew Len was visiting Joe in Texas one weekend. On Monday, they went out into the city to grab a bite to eat. This town is a tourist town, I believe it is Wimberly or Fredricksburg. This town rolls up shop on Monday as all the tourist have returned home and there is not much business. The only place Joe could find open was a burger restaurant. He worried if it was good enough for Dr Len and expressed his concern. Dr Len mostly ate a plant based diet and never at burgers.

Dr. Len still ate a burger even though he ate mostly clean organic food. Kathie's Coaching

Dr Len had absolutely no problem with the burgers. Know why? Because he practiced Ho'oponopono on all the food he ate as he knew it "cleaned" everything of the wrong vibration.

So when he did Ho'oponopono on his "meat" he gave thank you to the cow who gave his life for his meal. He apologized for having to eat him. He asked for forgiveness for eating him. And he said I love you to the cow.

Actually when you practice Ho'oponopono on your food, you announce "I'm sorry, Please forgive me, thank you, and I love you." to the people who prepared your food, the vegetables that were grown for your food, the farmers who grew the food, the drivers who got the food to you, and the list can go on and on.

This puts you in the right vibration!

I practice Ho'oponopono on everything I consume. I do it to keep my vibrations high. My food is much more satisfying as well.

You know why? Because I am in a great vibration and the twinkie does not matter. I am being a little sarcastic here but it really does work. I think due to the awareness itself.

However, if you are doing it to be able to eat junk and whatever else you prefer to eat to your hearts content - consider the vibration!!! That vibration is one who's going to bring you a completely different outcome. What is your vibration? 🤣

Keep your vibration up!

I'm sorry. Please forgive me, Thank you. I love you.

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