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LLWS - What is Your Vibration?

Writer's picture: Kathie OwenKathie Owen

Updated: Oct 4, 2019

*Disclaimer: I post about my life experiences. Stories mesmerize us and enable a much more valuable way to teach the lesson. What I share is a story. Plain and simple. Sometimes when I tell these stories I feel like I am talking about another lifetime of mine. These stories were my reality at the time and my biggest disclaimer is I apologize if the people I talk about sound like 'bad' people. That is not my intention at all. My Inner Being sees all the people I talk about as good and so do I, now. Without further ado here is my story....

The Little League World Series is currently being played in the United States. And I have my own experience with that. I will explain Reality Transurfing and the pendulums from a perspective I wish I had known back then. It might have saved me a ton of heartache. Currently, I am having little triggers related to LLWS and those memories of the past.

My oldest son was an awesome baseball player. He played from age 6 up until his first year of college in which he had just had enough of different things and he put the bat and glove away.

While my son was young, he played little league ball for Lamar Little League in Richmond, TX. He was very good, one of the best on every team he played on and I am not saying that because I am his mom. Well, I am his mom, so I am supposed to say that. But he really had talent. Big talent!

I noticed something very odd when it came to the behavior and atmosphere at the thousands of games and practices I attended during the years he played at the fields. I describe it as "daddy ball." The parents of little league baseball were totally obsessed and living very unconsciously. It is very easy to get sucked into this type of thing (pendulum). I even succumbed to it a few times

My son's dad hated baseball when I was married to him from 1992-2000. I, on the other hand, grew up watching the sport and truly loved the game. My brothers used to take my ex husband to baseball games and he would complain about how boring the sport was. And I guess it is, if you do not understand the game.

Fast forward to 2004-2016. My son played ball, my ex-husband and his ‘home wrecker’ wife would be the "coach" and "team mom" and never include me in anything. They would specifically do this to prevent me from attending events. You see, I can call the wife a home wrecker because she was obsessed with preventing anyone from knowing who I was because she had assumed the role as mom to my boys. And she and my ex husband would go to extreme lengths to 'prove' she was the mom. She did not want anyone to know that I was THE mom and she did everything in her power to prevent people from knowing this. And I would not combat her because….well…First of all, it is not my nature. Second of all, I wanted to prevent my children from feeling the heartache and seeing drama. And thirdly, I had nothing in common with the people she called friends and those associated with my kids because I cared not what they thought. At the time I was on the opposite end of the pendulum - something I now know.

Back to “daddy ball.” The parents involved in this type of activity acted unlike anything I have seen before or since. They over-reacted to every call. Even practice was obsessively reacted too. I sensed an energy when going out to these games. It was like seeing a bunch of baseball zombies the minute you stepped out there with the adults. You could feel it in the air.

One thing that stood out to me was the way the parents reacted when cheering for their child. They would scream and yell like their son had just won the actual world series. It always struck me as odd because what about the boys on the other side who may have messed up, or maybe not. For, there are the ones who cheer, and there are those who are heartbroken. And no one seemed to consider this. If they did, they never spoke of it. It was a dog eat dog world. I always thought to myself, that boy who just messed up has a mom too.

In 2008 my son’s team made it to the regional championship. One more victory and it was off to the LLWS. This game was televised on ESPN. And it was HUGE!! The pendulum that took place during that event was one of the strongest I have experienced in my life. My son hit 2 homeruns in that game.

I watched the game with the common folk, meaning I stayed away from the parents. Notice when you watch the LLWS how focused the cameras are on the parents (of the child doing ‘the good thing’ at the moment). Yes, the parents do deserve credit. I know how much it takes as a parent to get here. But it is borderline obsessive. Oh just call a spade a spade, it is obsessive and unconscious.

When my son hit his homeruns the TV camera went to my ex husband and the announcer said, “There is his dad Kenny, his mom Kathie, and his little brother Kody. Look at that all their names start with K. I wonder if they planned that.” <yes we did, KO> However, I was not sitting next to Kenny. I’ll let you figure out who was standing there. My phone suddenly started burning up! Everyone was telling me what the announcer said. However, everyone who was not at the game was having watch parties all over town. No one in the little league world of zombies knew who I was as I kept to myself to prevent the boys from experiencing drama. I recently learned how to detach. Before I learned how to detach I was very sad and depressed. About 3 months prior to game, I let go. I learned how to detach. I learned how to “rent myself out” as Vadim states.

In retrospect, I was practicing Reality Transurfing Principals before the book was ever written. I just didn’t have it explained to me in such succinct fashion as Reality Transurfing explains. I learned how to, as Vadim puts it, “Come down into the auditorium and observe. Act dispassionately, rent yourself out and remain the observer." I stopped the pendulum and it quit affecting me. I was able to see the LLWS for what it was. A simple show of fanatics and idiots. "Too much outer importance breeds fanatics. Too much inner importance breeds idiots." Vadim Zeland Reality Transurfing. Or as I put it 'Daddy ball zombies'.

Back to the game, we lost that day. It was a horrible loss. We went into extra innings, almost to the expiration of time. But we loaded the bases and the winning run was walked home. The boys cried and it broke my heart for them. I felt horrible for the poor boy who walked the run home. We were one game away from Williamsport, the Little League World Series. There were pendulums all over the place that day. And today they still exist. But today I am aware. I see the world now in a completely different fashion because of Reality Transurfing. I apply the advantage principal stronger today than I did back then.

When I read Reality Transurfing in February 2019 I already knew all the principals explained but not in the words Vadim used. It simply made everything crystal clear. What I love best about the book is Vadim tells the reader not to take his word for it, but practice what he teaches. Watch it work for yourself.

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