I remember back to a specific situation in which I had a rude neighbor who was always demanding we park a certain way, the dogs bothered her, or things just did not appeal to her liking. She was the president of the neighborhood association. She lived across the street from me and if she did not like you she was mean to you. And this woman did not like many people. As you can imagine if you were not on her good side she would try her hardest to make your life miserable.
Note: Remember now, that I did not own my house, I was going through a legal battle in my house with JSUS (yes Jesus), and the mortgage was still in my name. Basically these people were stealing my house from me.
This president woman was wanting to repair the fence in my backyard which belonged to the neighborhood and I had vines growing all over it. I actually loved those vines as they attracted butterflies and hummingbirds and they gave me privacy from these old apartments in my backyard. This woman was demanding I clean the fence - now!
My house was in legal battle with JSUS and I could not ask the landlord to take care of the situation. My yard guy said it was going to cost $100 to fix, $100 I did not have nor did I want to spend $100 to fix something on this house that was frustratingly not mine.
This woman was demanding I clean the vines out by Monday because the fence guy was due to repair that Monday. I was sick of her bugging me and as you can imagine she was not nice. Her texts did not say "Hi Kathie, how are things?" The texts just came out and said "When are the vines going to be gone." ......Note, they were not kind.
I had just learned about Ho'oponpono and was practicing saying "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you." I said this over and over again regarding this situation.
The bad part of me wanted to just tell her to f**k off and die and to do it herself. The Ho'oponopono part of me taught me to do the kind thing. And what happened after that was miraculous.
I contacted my yard guy and asked if he could fix this right away. Only after I got over the 'f**k off president snobby lady issue', which did not take long. Thank you Ho'oponopono. My yard guy said $100 and that there was poison ivy all over it and he had only one guy who could do it and that was going to be right in time.
Not only did I manifest the $100 but I manifested $200 so I was able to pay him and have some extra money too. I let go - aka gift of detachment - of what I expected and the situation turned out to be better than ever.
The lesson here is to always do what is kind. When you are kind it expands exponentially and the universe will reward you. If you are unkind, the universe says, "okay so you think the world is awful and that is what you will get in return." Trust me I know.
Always be kind. Use Ho'oponopono if you have to. There is something magical about those 4 sentences that transforms everything. Don't just read this and say okay. Try it! Just warning you now, major positive transformation is on its way.
Read my blog post about Ho'oponopono here:. 4 Sentences that will Change Your Life