Over the weekend I got some horrible news from a dear friend. I am sending her tons of love, positive thoughts and vibrations and I ask that you do the same. Source or God (or what you call it) knows where to send this. I will not share the details as I am very aware of what you talk about expands.
Having said that I am reminded of the trust the process blog post that I wrote a few weeks ago. This is one of the gifts of detachment. When we encounter what we consider horrible circumstances we must trust the process. There is a bigger plan that we know and only Source knows what that is. We have to trust that it is for our good as horrible as it may seem at the time.
Remember how I spoke of the friends who went to play in a rice field one afternoon? Rice fields are full of ponds that are camouflaged throughout the fields. A brother and sister landed in those ponds and had to wait for a while before help arrived. The brother whaled about in a panic, the sister remained calm despite hearing her brother whale around. The brother unfortunately drowned. The sister who remained calm did not drown and was rescued when help arrived.
The lesson here is simple but not so simple. How do we remain calm during traumatic situations? I do not know the total answer to this question but I do hear Source telling me to trust the process. This does give me peace and somewhat of an understanding. Maybe it will for you also.
Until next time, Much love, Kathie