Le-vel Thrive is extremely expensive and definitely a pyramid company that will brainwash you if you are not careful. Don't worry I have been there, done that. I still have a few patches somewhere. Eddie calls them tire patches!😂
As a Certified Trainer I have done some research and tried some new things and found some things very similar to Thrive vitamin system. And much better too! Upon trying these things for one month I have found some proven results and a huge success! At a much less cost.
Let’s talk about their vitamin for starters:
Vitamin for women, Cost: an outrageous $60 for one month 😮
Opti-women: $9 for a one month supply! That is a whopping 75% less than Thrive. Imagine what other awesome supplements you could buy for that extra $50! Read on and I will be happy to tell you…..
But let’s talk about protein first. Thrive’s Shake is $50 for just 16 day supply!! 😮 I feel bad for being brainwashed by their antics!!
Not only is Thrive’s “protein” shake expensive but it only has a measly 15 grams of protein per serving. I know Thrive has vitamins in their shake but like a fellow body builder told me, “Why not get your vitamin from a supplement?” Duh!
Let’s talk about price: Trutein is $32.59 for 27 servings and $49.99 for 53 servings. Because I love my protein so much I buy the bigger serving container and drink at least 2 a day. You can’t do that with Thrive or you’d run out in 7 days!! And Thrive only has 15 grams of protein. Trutein has 25 grams of protein. If you are trying to build muscle and sustain the appetite you need a whole lot more than 15 grams! And the cost is a no brainer. #savemoney
Like I just said, if you were to get the protein out of Thrive you’d be out in 7 days and that is just for 30 grams a day! You get 50 grams a day with 2 servings of Trutein and you won’t run out for almost 4 weeks. Making the cost 4 times cheaper. Actually it is even cheaper because there are 53 servings and Thrive is only 16 servings. OMG I feel bad for the brainwashing that took place! lol
Ok so now about the patch. That is the only thing I could not find a comparison. However, part of me wonders if it is psychological because I do not miss it. But if you are so sold on it I recommend to keep on buying that. They would be worth it.
But if you wanted to cut it out completely, think of the money you would save. I was spending $162 per month on Thrive. Now I spend a whole lot less and have a whole lot more.
I now have a great vitamin, an even better protein, an awesome pre workout, BCCA’s or aminos, a fat burner when I am getting ready for some kind of event like bikini season or a party, and I even have money left over to get my son vitamins and try different supplements for my clients. Oh and if we are talking about the money I spent on Thrive I even have money left over for new clothes and dinners. I am feeling worse about the dang brainwashing. Supplements I recommend click here.