Today was brutal. Leg day that killed! It was great! And note to self, do not do abs on leg day. I knew this somewhere in my head but realized halfway through the ab exercises. They were tough too. The reason for this is quads and glutes are big muscle groups, it is easy to tire out so it made abdominals more difficult. I usually do abs when I do shoulders as shoulders are a very small muscle group.
I did 3 supersets. Supersets are 2 exercises done back to back with 1-2 minute rest in between sets.
Superset 1 (4 sets)
Bulgarian split squat w/25# plate 8 reps
Hip thrusts 25# plate 15 reps
Superset 2 (4 sets)
Leg Extension 21s which is 7 toes up drop weight 10#, 7 toes out drop weight 10#, 7 toes in drop weight 10# 1st 2 sets started with 95#, last 2 sets stated with 80#
Sissy squats at leg extension hold 25# plate 10-15 reps
Superset 3 (4 sets)
Step ups 1st 2 sets with 20# kettle bell last 2 sets no weight
Heels on plate, booty lift with 20# kettle bell

Abdominals - 4 sets of 90 rest as needed, end with 40 crunches for 400 crunches
Set 1- 30 each
Legs up crunch up w/25# plate
Flutter kick
Bug crushers feet up lift hips
Set 2- 30 each
Legs up toe reaches
1/2 bicycle one leg up and bent crunch up with kettle bell 10#
Other leg
Set 3- 30 each
Plank arms straight
Mountain climbers
Shoulder taps
Set 4- 30 each
Knees bent reach up opposite side
Other side
Legs straight feet together crunch up
Last 40 Twist elbow side to side
Stretch those quads!!!
Hot lemon water first thing
Preworkout Mesomorph in snow cone
Intraworkout BCAAs Scivation Xtend in fruit punch
Protein Rule 1 Whey Blend in cake batter