"Blessed is the man who expects nothing for he shall never be disappointed." -Alexander Pope
I grew up a huge Houston sports fan. My father has a PhD in Mathematics and is a very intelligent man. He taught graduate math. Do you know how you get a PhD in Math? You prove a theory no one else has proven. My dad graded this stuff and granted PhDs. Talk about a high IQ. To bond with my dad I had to learn spectator sports and fishing because those were things he did as hobbies that I could relate to. I watched a lot of college football and, my personal favorite, baseball.
My very favorite team is the Houston Astros. I grew up watching the game with my dad and brothers. They knew so much about the game and I learned every aspect of the game (as a spectator). To me, baseball is the most intriguing sport out there. Too add to my delight my oldest son Kyle played the game for years. I never thought there would be someone I would love watching the game with more than my dad but Kyle comes in awful close. He can tell you what is going to happen, usually before it happens. Amazing!! Actually both of my boys understand the game as well as the team building/drafting process. It is a joy to listen to their perspective and knowledge.
Anyhow, if you know much about Houston sports we lack something….it’s called winning the World Series, making it to the Super Bowl. Plain and simple, they do not win. Oh, I know the Rockets have made it before but I am talking about this decade, even the last 20 years!! And my favorite team the Astros are seriously lacking!! We made it to the World Series in 2005 but were unable to win a single game. Talk about disappointing!!
Then I came across this quote by Alexander Pope. I quickly applied my own twist to it:
“Happy is the Houston fan who expects nothing for she is never disappointed.”
I watch the games and I enjoy my team, win or lose. I enjoy watching with my son, unless he gets terribly angry and starts yelling at the TV. Hmmm, must be genetic because my dad did the same thing. I never heard my dad cuss except on Sunday afternoon at the Houston Oilers. :))
This anger I am speaking about is where the disappointment or defense comes from. I mean it is like they are saying “you personally suck” on national TV.
One Sunday I was wearing my JJ Watt jersey in Dallas and checking out of the hotel where I had stayed while visiting my boys at college. The guy told me that I could check out because of my jersey. Now I know he was just kidding, but what the heck? Have you ever thought to yourself why people react like this. Why act like you “hate” someone because they do not root for your team?? People get so offensive over sports. Notice I said ‘offensive’, it is like they need to put you down so they can score.
Over time I have learned to expect nothing because that is what non-attachment is. I do not get attached to my team, win or lose. I enjoy the process and love my team.
Trust or enjoy the process…..funny that’s another gift of attachment.