It was in Ask Until it is Given by Matthew David Hurtado that I first learned of Ho’opnopono. I read this book in July, 2018. It is four simple sentences. “I am sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. Thank you.” Ho’oponopono changed my life. And it rapidly changed my life.
The Wikipidia definition of Ho’oponopono is this: Hoʻoponopono is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len demonstrated the effectiveness of Ho’oponopono by healing an entire criminally insane ward by simply looking at the files of each of the patients and repeating the four sentences over their file. Basically Dr Hew Len was taking responsibility for what he was perceiving as each person’s error and “cleaning” it.
Whether you believe Dr. Hew Len did this or not is not for me to argue. I know the effectiveness of it by practicing it and I know without doubt it works.
In her book The Easiest Way Mabel Katz describes how Ho'oponopono helps so many people move on and accept what is happening in their lives.
1. I love you. - sent out to the universe saying I love you and I want to return to non-judgement
2. I'm sorry. taking responsibility for the judgement
3. Please forgive me. - seeking forgiveness for judging
4. Thank you - sending gratitude to the Universe for the forgiveness.