We all face some curve balls from life. The difference is not what happens to you, but what you choose to do about it.
1. Stay out of victim hood. It is so easy to jump down into victim mentality. When you find yourself feeling like a victim you need to empower yourself. Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.
2. Do something different. In the book The Artists Way there is something called Artist Dates. You are to take yourself out somewhere and do something different. For instance if you take photographs, get out of the office and go take some pictures. This is highly recommended as it changes your outlook on things. You are actually supposed to do this weekly and go somewhere different every time. It could be as simple as going to a whole foods store and walking around. You never know what doors will open up to you when you do this. This does not have to take much time and really gives you perspective. Try it sometime.
3. Meditate. Let the thoughts pass through meditation. It releases the resistance and can open up many new avenues.