Recently I took the 7 Day Mental Diet. It was very powerful and life changing. I did not tell anyone I was doing this. I found that I had already been doing this so it was easy.
What is the 7 Day Mental Diet? Here is a link to the e-book.
Taken from the book: "This then is the real key to life: if you change your mind your conditions must change too. Your body must change, your daily work or other activities must change; your home must change; the color tone of your whole life must change, for whether you be habitually happy and cheerful, or low-spirited and fearful, depends entirely on the quality of the mental food upon which you diet yourself. Please be very clear about this. If you change your mind your conditions must change too. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds."
I am already very aware of my thoughts and how they affect my day to day life. I attribute it to my morning routine and all the times I listen to Abraham, Reality Revolution and Insights and Perspectives. I flood my mind with the positive and can control what I let into my mind and therefore, my world.
The 7 Day Mental Diet is so incredible. It will help you see how often you let negativity creep into your life. And actually how easy it is to let it go and replace it with a positive thought, especially when you are flooding your mind with positive things.
My morning routine consists of the following:
I wake up and put a smile on my face.
I then think about the upcoming day. I set my intentions and plan my workout in my mind. I also drop importance about everything and increase my outer intention (blog post coming soon on this).
I get out of bed and get ready to hit the gym.
While in the gym I flood my mind with only positive things like: Reality Revolution and Insights and Inspirations. Both are podcasts but the links are YouTube.
I come home from the gym and get ready for work. And I listen to anything Abraham. Right now I am following Vortex Rising (mostly because there are no ads during the video.
I send gratitude out and set intentions once again and drop importance. And I say a prayer to my Guardian that they stay with me throughout the day.
And off I go. I don't complain and I don't let negativity in my mind. If something negative happens I DO NOT DWELL ON IT. I let it go. I drop importance and let it go. It's that simple.
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