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Find a Love for Mondays Like This

Writer's picture: Kathie OwenKathie Owen

Updated: Dec 2, 2019

Find a love for Mondays with Kathie's Coaching

What do you think of when you think of responsibility? Usually it comes with a negative connotation. Tomorrow is the Monday after a long Thanksgiving holiday and I swear I have already seen 3 Facebook posts *in a row* where people were crying that it was Monday tomorrow. And no, they do not all work with me. Everyone has Monday-itis.

I mean, I get it! I enjoyed my time off too but Monday is another day (full of potential) and you are missing so much when you live for Friday or a holiday!! This is a typical pendulum or social conditioning around responsibility. However, I want to teach you to change this conditioning because once I did this it changed my life dramatically.

Responsibility is basically your ability to respond. For example, let's say you have a job where you work 9-5 and it is your responsibility to be there Monday through Friday. If you take a negative response to this it will have negative meaning. Let's say it is Monday and you regret going to work that morning. If you have that attitude that is what you will get from it. Just exist until Friday, really?! 😶 Change your ability to respond and make it positive.Instead say, "Yay! It's Monday, what potential is in this day? What can I contribute to my job to make it fun?"

Say, "I get to go to work today." Instead of "I have to go to work today." Quit living for Friday or the holiday. Change your response to a positive one and your ability to respond changes. When you do this watch how other things flow easily and more positively into your day.

Like this quote says and I love it!!

"Cancel your pity party. Pull yourself together and take total ownership of everything in your life".

Once you take ownership for everything you take your power back. Your power lies in your attitude towards life. Did you read that? Your power lies in your attitude towards life!!

Here's another example: Is it really sad that you lost that spouse or in a divorce? How do you know? Take responsibility for your part in the divorce because every divorce has 2 sides and 2 issues at heart. And one of those is your responsibility, whether you want to admit it or not. And if you don't look at your responsibility in the relationship you are missing out on so much!!

Perhaps your spouse cheated. Well, that divorce means you can open the doors to someone who won't cheat. 😍 Or who knows what doors will open for you now? And when you take responsibility for the fact that the other person cheated you will be less likely to attract a partner who cheats. Why? Because you are at a different vibration.

Take responsibility for every single thing in your life and watch it dramatically change.

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Until next time, Much love, Kathie




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