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  • Writer's pictureKathie Owen

3 Things About Meditation

One of my New Year's Resolutions for 2019 was to meditate daily. I thought I could get a way with 10 minutes a day but that did not work. I started to mediate 1 hour per day 2 weeks ago and I can tell you it profoundly changed my life.

1. The first thing I learned was to get an effective mediation you need to do it between the hours of 1 and 4am. This is because the brain waves are prime for meditation. All I do is roll out of bed and meditate for at least 45 minutes. I usually go back to sleep after I meditate.

2. I am a big fan of Aaron Doughty on YouTube. He makes some awesome videos about transformation and meditation. I already see a big difference in my life after doing his guided mediations. Do this one for 21 days and I guarantee a huge shift in your life. heck, if you are like me you'll be doing several of them a day. This leads me to number 3.

3. As you start to meditate you will see huge synchronicities in your life all day long. Colors will be brighter, situations always seem to have a positive benefit (because they do), and life in general will be easier than ever.

Try it for yourself and see!!

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