Did you know that how you start your day affects the rest of your day? Here are some tips about how to start your morning off on the right foot. A word of warning: do not start your day with your phone, computer or TV. You are taking a chance of letting the negativity in first thing. It can wait 10 more minutes, do this first:
Smile: The very first thing you can do every morning to start your day right is smile. Research shows that when a smile flashes across your face; dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are all released into your bloodstream, making not only your body relax but also work to lower your heart rate and blood pressure. Endorphins are natural painkillers - 100% naturally produced by your own body, without the negative effects of medication. Hope I made you smile. 😊😊😊
Meditate: Meditation is one heck of a game changer for me. January 2019 I made the resolution to start meditating. I love the affects it has on my life and will never stop. The positive affects it has on my life are limitless and I can say I wish I started sooner. I will be writing a blog post soon about mediation and how it changed my life. Personally, I prefer what Abraham recommends, listen to the air conditioner or a small mundane noise. My friend Brian Scott has some incredible meditations on his podcast. You can find him here, on YouTube and Stitcher. If you prefer music I highly recommend Mettaverse on YouTube.
Set intentions: An intention is a guiding principle for how you want to be, live, and show up in the world. Ask yourself, what matters most to you? Your answer could form a powerful intention and set you on to a great day. Tony Robbins does this by priming his day. He sets intentions on how he wants his day to be. When things go positively focus on that. If something goes wrong, let it go and move on to your next intention. When you do this type of focus it forces the Universe to correspond with more positives. Visit Tony Robbins website here: www.tonyrobbins.com
Set powerful positive mantras: "Today is going to be a great day." is a positive mantra and is very powerful. Actually even a mantra like "today is going be a hard day." is also just as powerful even if you speak it only to yourself.
Remember "What ever a man thinks is true. If you think you can or cannot you are right." -Henry Ford
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